shopping spree
i think i've gone a little overboard on the shopping these past few weeks. but they were justifiable.
the bag i use when i've got no classes has literally fallen apart. the sister was almost embarassed if she's seen with me carrying that bag.
the coin pouch i keep my coins (DUH!!) and keys (4 sets) are falling apart too. don't ask why i carry 4 set of keys. i got tired of looking for a proper key pouch. my keys can't fit in them.
so i got myself a nicer bag from Charles&Keith that looks small but i can fit in almost everything from the previous bag. no wonder it fell apart. got a 10% discount on that bag as i've got a discount card. then saw this pouch from Braun Buffel (Collection : MILLE 284). this is just what i needed. a coin/key pouch. first saw it last week. price : S$36. wasn't really attracted by the colour - lilac & white. wasn't my kind of colour.
so after a few days of thinking of it, i went to another store just to look around. saw the white one. last piece too. it was really meant to be mine. hehehe...
also spent just over S$50 on some VCDs & DVD at HMV. so now i'm just waiting for the credit card bill to come. will try not to buy any luxury items for now. promise...