Tuesday, January 24, 2006

shopping spree

i think i've gone a little overboard on the shopping these past few weeks. but they were justifiable.
the bag i use when i've got no classes has literally fallen apart. the sister was almost embarassed if she's seen with me carrying that bag.
the coin pouch i keep my coins (DUH!!) and keys (4 sets) are falling apart too. don't ask why i carry 4 set of keys. i got tired of looking for a proper key pouch. my keys can't fit in them.
so i got myself a nicer bag from Charles&Keith that looks small but i can fit in almost everything from the previous bag. no wonder it fell apart. got a 10% discount on that bag as i've got a discount card. then saw this pouch from Braun Buffel (Collection : MILLE 284). this is just what i needed. a coin/key pouch. first saw it last week. price : S$36. wasn't really attracted by the colour - lilac & white. wasn't my kind of colour.
so after a few days of thinking of it, i went to another store just to look around. saw the white one. last piece too. it was really meant to be mine. hehehe...
also spent just over S$50 on some VCDs & DVD at HMV. so now i'm just waiting for the credit card bill to come. will try not to buy any luxury items for now. promise...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

it's been 2 years already

today marks the date that i can never forget. it's 2 years already since this happened.
i truly feel that i've been given another shot in this world. it's God's way of telling me that i still have time to ammend whatever things i've done wrong and to do more deeds.
this makes me think of my late aunt. she passed away without any warning (actually the signs were there but we just didn't realise it till it's all over). i know i still have lots of ammendments to do. there's still lots of things i would like to achieve in life as well as the afterlife. still lots of unfinished business here.
coincidentally, today is also another significant date in the Masihi calender. it's my birthday. i'm already 29 by the Masihi calender...heheh

Sunday, January 15, 2006

sun's out

finally after almost a week of rain, the sun's up. now i understand why some people gets depressed during the winter. it's only been raining a few days and i've started to feel a little depressed. actually, i'm depressed enough going to work now. heheh...
it's the mother's birthday today. she turns 54.
she doesn't even know how to turn on the computer, but i dedicate this to her.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Eid Mubarak

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslim brothers & sisters.