Salam Lebaran
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone.
read at your own discretion. what i write is what i think. if you don't agree with what i write then there's always the 'x' button on the top - right for windows, left for mac.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone.
at 10/24/2006 06:50:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Greeting
last night, an aunt from the paternal side succumbed to her illness and breathed her final breath. Inalillahi wa inaillahirraji'un. it's a blessing for her to go during this blessed month of Ramadhan. Semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat, Amin.
ultimately, everyone will have to face death. it really doesn't matter what your status in life is. when it's your time, nothing can stop you.
it's how you live your life that really matters. you don't know what will happen to you next. you can be a healthy and fit, but that doesn't mean you will live till 100. you never know if you can even meet the next day or not. therefore, take the time to set your priorities.
i'm going to get mine straightened out too, Insya Allah. 6 more days of Ramadhan left. let's use these last few days wisely. you really don't know if you can meet the next Ramadhan or not.
landed last night about 8.30pm. feels so good to be at home finally.
the last 2 weeks had been a very great experience. the on-campus experience could have been better though. that was too short to be part of the course module at all. i found most of it irrelevant for us who's got work experience and those who's graduated from the polytechnics here.
anyway, the overall experience from everything had been an eye-opener. thanks to everyone i met. very much thanks to the sis
who's put her academic life on hold the entire time i was there. (i miss your cat already). now it's back to the real world for all of us. i've been slacking to the max and now i'm dreading the thought of having to go to work.
on a not so good note, the digicam's busted. couldn't take decent pics since last monday (2nd oct 06). so there's not much pics from sydney. the sis offered the use of her digicam but i declined. not the same as using your own.
there's just too many pics that i took prior to the soon to be demised digicam to upload here. i just can't be bothered to do it.
a quick hello to everyone. i'm doing fine here in the land down under, Alhamdulillah.
finally i got the connection to update this blog which has been collecting dust for almost 2 weeks.
it's almost 3.30am here but i'm not feeling that sleepy. i'm just too excited that i can finally update & check blogs. after only a week of being out of country, i feel so disconnected.
anyway, it has been a very good experience for me the past 1 week plus. spending the first day of Ramadhan not with the family wasn't the first time for me, but spending it out of the country is. what i miss is the porridge (bubur masjid)..hehe...
there's just so many things that i have to say, but i just can't find the words to express it all in the way i experienced it. (blame that on the engineer side of me - engineers make bad writers) :D
the things i had to do, the people i met, the friends who were with me and not to mention the family who is supporting me in their own way. all those me push myself out of my comfort zone. i really didn't think i have the guts to do what i did the past few days. i can do even more, Insya Allah. it's defininitely the blessing of this blessed month of Ramadhan too.
have a very blessed Ramadhan. will see you next week, Insya Allah :)