switched off
i don't know why but i seem to be on an 'off' mode for the past few weeks.
i was so looking forward for something only to have written the event on a wrong date on my PDA. then yesterday, i was looking at a date for a scheduled meeting and got the date mixed up again.
i feel very detached too lately. like i'm living in my own world and i'm looking at everyone else through an invisible glass.
on another note, the programme manager seems to be in a very good mood. since he came back from an overseas working trip last week. first, he gave me a wink, an actual wink (where you blink an eye at a person) when i was giving him an update of some things about work. then just now, he bought 2 booklets of a carnival ticket and gave them to me telling me to enjoy myself.
only one thing i can say is, that man is really unpredictable. just last year when i was asking for a loooong leave he almost gave a lecture.
anyway, tomorrow's a public holiday. greetings to those who celebrate Vesak Day and enjoy the off day to the rest.
ps : PC show starts tomorrow (31/05/07) till sunday (03/06/07).