for you, a thousand times over
i have just finished reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. the story is not a very heavy read, but it is just filled with so much emotions. the movie's already out, but i don't know if i want to watch it.
i have been reading quite a lot lately. reading books made into movies to be exact. movies don't do much justice to books in my opinion. while it can potray the scenery and settings of the story, it doesn't really bring the true emotion of the book through. some movies even omit certain parts to keep the movie at a time limit.
take for example, Harry Potter. watching the movie after reading the book is such a disappointment. the movie is like another dimension. it only extracted some key points from the books and leaves out the reason behind it. certain characters who were potrayed prominently in the book were not in the movie version of the series.
given a choice of a movie or a book, i'd pick the book. nothing beats the feeling of immersing yourself into a book. it's like the world doesn't matter just for that moment while you have the book in your hand.
i've got my next read in hand. will be starting on it very soon.