Thursday, October 14, 2004

Ramadhan is here again

the blessed month of Ramadhan is here again. so to all muslim brothers and sisters, SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA, SEMOGA BULAN INI MEMBERI PENUH BERKAT.
this month will always bring back the memories of the loooongest hospital stay i had. date of admission : 3rd Jan 97, date of discharge : 13th Jan 97, date of re-admission : 22nd Jan 97, date of discharge : 30th Jan 97. that was the longest month of my life. what made it even worse is that i spent the night before Hari Raya in hospital. listening to the 'takbir' thru the radio made my eyes tear. the most touching part is seeing most of the people i know taking their time to come and see me in the hospital. the friend who waited for me when i was in the operating theatre. the friends who came more than once to bring other friends. and the friends who even visited me at home to bring the latest notes because i was not able to go to school.
not forgetting my own family who did all they can to help me get better, especially my mother. she will come and visit me almost everyday. and my father who will come at night after he gets off from work and drive a cab part time. the day when i was allowed to go home for Hari Raya really makes me smile now. that was the day i had to go around with the hospital tag on my hand. the day when everyone else are decked in jewelry i was walking around with that special 'bracelet'...heheh...
this was also when i was not able to fast the whole month. eventually manage to compensate the whole month before the next Ramadhan. even inspired other friends who had yet to compensate their fast to join me :D
to all muslim brothers and sisters, make full use of this month. who knows if you can live to the next month of Ramadhan or not. live your life as though it is your last day.

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