Tuesday, November 16, 2004

back at work

i'm back at work now. almost felt like taking another day off after being on leave for so long. but then if i were to feel this way everytime then i won't go anywhere right :)

spent the first half of the day clearing off my mails. even with my out of office notification turned on i still receive soooo much mails from friends. the same attachments sent from at least 3 different people. don't you understand the meaning of being out of office. i'm sure you wouldn't want to receive such huge mails when you are not in. i have to sort out the personal and official mails before i can start clearing them. sheesh...

Hari Raya was ok. lots of houses i went to had lesser cookies than last year. and will you all please stop with, i quote, "Bila nak makan nasi minyak?" or "Ada bau nasi minyak ke belum ni?". you think it's easy nowadays to find a man? looking for fish in the market is much easier than looking for a life partner. i'm very happy as i am right now. why brood over something that you don't have? it's much better to be happy as you are, be it being single or with someone.

ok back to work now. happy working!!

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