Saturday, March 05, 2005

my first time

highlight of the day for today was : got stuck in a lift. 26 years of staying on the 13th floor never had this experience.
was outside whenever there's a breakdown or fault. the most amusing thing was it happened on a 3 storey building and the lift was stuck on the 2nd storey. what a joke.
spent 20 minutes in the stupid lift before finally a technician got there. was in the lift with another guy. he called the hotline for a technician.
note to self : take the stairs next time. kwa...kwa...kwa
spent the rest of the day looking for textbook and walking around. met a friend to get back vcd she borrowed from me. got ourselves a few movies too. will watch them when semester is over. that means in June. have to start on assingments now.
note to self : START ASSIGNMENTS!!! (top priority)

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