Thursday, April 21, 2005

i did it!!

got a call from an aunt to accompany her to the mosque for Maulidul Rasul. she brought the new grandaughter for her cukur rambut. asked me to help her out. since a baby is involved here, gladly agreed.
had to follow the aunt and uncle to send the little lady back to woodlands. what happened on the way back was something i never thought i could ever do again.for the first time since 18th Jan 2004, i DROVE!!
was almost practically pushed into the driver's seat. the uncle absolutely insisted he was tired and wants to rest. he got into the back seat so with trembling knees yours truly got into the driver's seat and did the neccessary adjustments.
got flashbacks almost immediately when hands were on the steering wheels. recited countless prayers along the way. Alhamdulillah, reached home in one piece. knees were almost like jelly after that though. still like jelly now, but firmer already now. heheh...
this year is becoming the year of many firsts. hope the first something that happens next is a pleasant one. don't want to be reminded of anything tragic/unhappy anymore. had enough unhappy/unpleasant memories to last a whole lifetime.

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