Thursday, September 29, 2005

to brother 'MONSTER' dearest

a very happy quarter of a century day to u.
picture collage will be up soon. couldn't do it in time...sorry :)
anyway, get well soon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

what i've been up to these past 2 weeks in pics

found a non-bake recipe so, yours truly did this on 15th Sep

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gave up the manual whip, out comes this:
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it was worth it i tell you
day out on 20th Sep
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some scenery
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saw this cat while walking at Serangoon
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sent her off on 24th Sep
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won't be seeing each other for a loooong time. there goes the 2 vcd i loaned to her...

Friday, September 23, 2005

short update

been so busy this week. have lots of photos to show but haven't had the time to upload them yet.
the brother's doing quite well now. still weak but alive, thank God for that. will be back to irritate the hell out of me soon.
update on the parents : father's coming back next weekend. mother's going to accompany brother dearest to celebrate Hari Raya Down Under. this means no celebration for me here *LOL*
opening the letterbox gave me a very, very nice surprise. had my prayers answered. covered back what i spent for last month and with much more to spare. that should cover the money to distribute to kids for Hari Raya later. won't be touching on my savings at least *wipes sweat off brows*
ok, will be back this weekend for lots of photo uploading. good night.

Monday, September 19, 2005

3 things you don't know about me

so i've been tagged to do this.
ok, here goes:
1) i'm a health freak. i avoid processed and fast food as much as possible. i don't mind going hungry.
2) i can never do the 'big business' in public toilets or anywhere unfamiliar. 'it' won't come out.
3) i have a weird practice of doing anything. if somebody disrupts me, i will get very annoyed. just don't ask why. i just do it that way.
the list goes on actually, but since i'm only required to list down only 3, these are the main things.
now, it's your turn:
'DivaH' (i know you have been tagged)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

more update of the brother

the tube's out as of yesterday. the drips are out today.
he's still weak, but doing fine now, Alhamdulillah.
just called the parents earlier. heard some news i don't know if i can handle. might be spending almost 3 weeks of Ramadhan by myself.
everytime the month of Ramadhan comes, i'll always remember what happened over 8 years ago.
will always feel the eternal gratefullness that i have my family with me - even if the whole lot of us (including yours truly) are dysfunctional. but well, that's what bonded us together all this while.
now the thought of maybe spending even the first day of fasting by myself is making me feel so overwhelmed by emotions. but what's more important is brother dearest's recovery. i'm a survivor. i can handle it :)

Monday, September 12, 2005

update of the brother

this was from 9 yrs ago:
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this is how he is now:
click here, here, here and here

Friday, September 09, 2005

everything's fine now, alhamdulillah

brother dearest had the surgery already just now. he seems to be recovering.
still weak but definitely better now.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

day is not over...yet

whew!! what a day!! and it's not over yet. still have lots to do. programme not running properly, report not done.
i've been in a daze since hearing the news about brother dearest yesterday. from the time sis dearest called till sending off the parents and cik jo at the airport just now.
i am praying hard that everything is going to be fine as it turned out that last time. anybody reading this please pray for the well being of my brother. hope he gets out of surgery fine, Insya Allah (btw the surgery will be next week.).
ok, got to get back to the report. promised i'd finish it by tonight. only 50 mins left till it's tomorrow already.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

happening again

received news that is not good. not good at all.
just pray that everything will turn out well, like it did 9 years ago.

Monday, September 05, 2005

wrung dry

checking the credit card charges this morning almost gave me another breakdown. an unusual charge has been deducted which i know not of. a call to the bank resolved the issue.
next time i go somewhere for a free trial session, somebody please accompany me. i'm not strong enough to say no, especially if that person gives a good service. what i want to do now is to terminate the membership. i know there will be a penalty charge, but at that price??!! it's close to extortion. the way some organisations/company makes money. no wonder they can keep on expanding.
at this rate, i'm going to have to spend the reserves. this is not good. not good all. paying all the monthly bills already leave me next to nothing to spend on. the more i earn, the more i spend. what do i spend on? i don't even know. all i know is whenever i make monthly payments, i don't even get to see the money. all done within minutes. the boon/bane of technology nowadays.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

did it again...but not alone this time

didn't learn the first lesson apparently. travelled all the way to the other end of the island to find out there's no class today!! and as the title indicates, this wasn't the first time. the good news was i met 2 others this time who were in the same boat *LOL*
lucky i had the companion of the trusted MP3 player plugged in my ears and another companion:
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this book had me glued to it for the entire journey to and fro. not a short one, mind you. it was almost 2 hours.
there're 9 cases featured and i've finished reading 5 of them. the pictures in it are of the real pictures, not from a reconstructed scenes.
hence the additional label:
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as the label says, readers discretion is adviced, so anyone interested to read the book leave me a message in the comment box. be warned, pictures shown, if applicable, are of real pictures from the case files.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

to the 'perasan DivaH'

wish u a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! actual present will arrive within the month of September ok. :D
and to all teachers here, Happy Teachers' Day.